System Auditing

Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) & Bizsafe Risk Management Audits

The Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) is an audit tool which provides an independent assessment of the safety and health management system at a worksite. ConSASS provides a profile of the development status and maturity level of each component of a worksite’s safety and health management system.


ConSASS is not scored on a pass-fail system, instead, it scores the development status of each part of a company’s Safety and Health Management System (SHMS). This allows management to focus its attention on developing and improving areas that need focus.


The objective of a Risk Management Audit is to assess an organization’s compliance with the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management and bizSAFE Level 3 Requirements.


Fusion Safety is a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Singapore Accreditation Council approved WSH Auditing Organisation, enabling it to conduct the ConSASS Audits and Bizsafe Risk Management Audits.

/ Audit Methodology

The audit methodology adopted includes document review, verification by interviews, and physical inspection for conformance to all system elements listed in the CONSASS audit requirements. The elements are:

  1. WSH Policy
  2. Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities
  3. Actions to address risk, opportunities, legal and other requirements
  4. WSH objectives and planning to achieve them
  5. Resources
  6. Competence
  7. Awareness
  8. Communication
  9. Documented information
  10. Operational planning and control
  11. Safety controls
  12. Health and wellness controls
  13. Contractor management and procurement
  14. Emergency preparedness
  15. System monitoring, performance and compliance evaluation
  16. WSH inspections
  17. Internal audit
  18. Management review
  19. Incident, nonconformity and corrective actions
  20. Continual improvement
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/ The audit process will be carried out in the following stages:

  1. Pre-audit
    • Request for a quote by the auditee
    • Acceptance of quote by the auditee
    • Determining the audit time, audit team and assignment
    • Preparation of audit plan and its approval by the applicant
  1. On-site
    • Opening meeting
    • Evidence-based assessment of SHMS (document check, physical inspection and interview of personnel)
    • Evaluation of findings
    • Closing meeting
  1. Post-audit
    • Prepare the audit report and testimony
    • Submit the audit report to WSH Council or MOM

Policy on Impartiality:

Fusion Safety Management is committed to ensuring impartiality in the management system auditing activities and will not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise its impartiality.


The audited client is prohibited from using Fusion Safety Management Pte Ltd’s logo, name, mark etc. at all times unless it is with Fusion Safety Management Pte Ltd’s consent.

Complaint Management:

Should Fusion Safety receive a complaint, it will confirm whether the complaint relates to Auditing activities/services that it is responsible for, and shall take appropriate action. Should Fusion Safety receive a complaint that relates to a client, the examination of the complaint will be assigned to the appropriate manager for investigation, examination and action as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.

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Fusion Safety is a team of highly skilled professionals, driven by the idea of improving lives through bespoke global safety and environmental solutions for businesses. Combining cutting edge technologies with proven techniques and innovative solutions, we assist organisations to help protect their workforce. We also lead the way for multinational companies that operate across the globe by bringing a unique understanding of the challenges of operating in different regions. This enables
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