Culture Change

/ Module 1: Enlisting and Educating Leaders

Achieving a World Class Safety Culture™ Thru Leadership FIT Tool™ Workshop

Brief Description: FIT (Focused Intervention (Injury) Technique) is a targeted workshop for the management ranks. Its objectives are to enlist and educate leaders and help them engage the safety culture to impact specific injury types and commit to effective preventive actions. Workshop concepts and exercises provide a high-level understanding of culture and its impact on safety performance. Participants move from issue identification to leadership commitments that improve the safety culture of their organisations. This workshop teaches the basic concepts, some of the tools, and the language of safety culture that leaders need to know. It answers the question, “Why safety culture?” This knowledge will enable both formal and informal leaders to make a contribution to the safety culture process in their workforce.

Methodology: Concepts will be presented, discussed and applied interactively in an engaging way. A Safety Culture Leadership Inventory will be conducted for participants to realise their own safety leadership capabilities and how to improve them across 5 attributes. Culture Change tools will be introduced, and cultural norms and at-risk behaviours identified for solutioning.

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/ Module 2: The Safety Culture Improvement Team and Generating Culture-Based Projects

Brief Description: The Safety Culture Improvement Team, comprising both management and front-line employees, guides the change process at the site level. The team develops culture change projects to move the site toward safety excellence, replacing unsafe cultural norms and assumptions with safe group expectations and beliefs. During formation and training, team members: (1) Craft a mission statement; (2) Understand their role in the safety culture change process; (3) Develop group agreements such as ground rules and roles and responsibilities; and, (4) Formulate their first safety culture project.

Methodology: Concepts will be presented, discussed and applied interactively in an engaging way. Each participant will receive a Guidance Team Manual. The teams utilise the Safety Culture Assessment Report to determine the key issues that need to be addressed.

/ Module 3: Safety Culture Coaching

Brief Description: To strengthen and support the culture change underway, the consultant returns at the 2-month mark, and periodically thereafter, to conduct Safety Culture Coaching. This is comprised of two targeted workshops: The Team Health Check™ which provides an opportunity to discuss, share and evaluate how the Safety Culture Improvement Team is doing, in multiple dimensions. Team strengths and weaknesses are evaluated, and course correction is provided. The Culture Change Leadership Skills™ workshop then helps middle managers understand their role in shaping the work area culture, introduces communication skills utilised by top tier safety leaders and provides a self-assessment to allow participants to develop personal commitments for improvement.

Methodology: Projects will be reviewed together with methodology used and checked for correctness. Safety Culture Improvement Team Projects will be assessed, and their implementation measured for successfully addressing norms and behaviours. Managers will be coached on providing guidance and oversight, and how to steer the culture program to be consistent and sustainable.

/ Module 4: Grassroots Safety Culture Action Planning Workshop™

Identifying Cultural Norms and At-Risk Behaviours

Brief Description: The Grassroots Safety Culture Action Planning Workshop™ is a targeted workshop for frontline employees. It features interactive culture-based tools to help participants understand work culture and its positive and/or negative influence on individual behaviours. Outcomes include the surfacing of cultural norms that support or undermine established policies and procedures and the formation of task teams to address specific aspects of the work culture that contribute to at-risk behaviours and undermine the attainment of safety performance goals.

Methodology: Concepts will be presented, discussed, and applied interactively in an engaging way. Culture Change tools will be introduced, and cultural norms and at-risk behaviors identified for solutioning. Each participant will receive a Grassroots Safety Team Manual.

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Fusion Safety is a certified and approved consultant with the Culture Change Consultants from the USA.

Implementing a World Class Safety Culture Program is a 4-module program that is designed to initiate positive, sustainable cultural change through targeted leadership and employee engagement activities. A brief description of each module is listed below.

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/ Leadership & Culture

We specialise in the development of exemplar safety cultures that are highly effective, sustainable and ‘sticky’. At the core of exemplar safety cultures is leadership. We build the dynamic leadership cultures that drive safety. At the core of our approach is the Hero Code.

Fusion Safety

Fusion Safety is a team of highly skilled professionals, driven by the idea of improving lives through bespoke global safety and environmental solutions for businesses. Combining cutting edge technologies with proven techniques and innovative solutions, we assist organisations to help protect their workforce. We also lead the way for multinational companies that operate across the globe by bringing a unique understanding of the challenges of operating in different regions. This enables
us to provide targeted solutions for each of our partners with whom we nurture collaborative, trust-based relationships.
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