/ Overview of Program
The aim of this effort is for Fusion Safety to review the existing safety oversight mechanisms, accident prevention and intervention strategies, and assess the efficacy of these efforts. A health check looks at structure, executive leadership, leadership throughout the organisation, safety management systems and culture.
The following are key objectives of this Health Check:
/ Site Health, Safety and Environment Structure
- Assess the effectiveness of the safety organisation and the overall organisational structure, and its ability to prevent accidents.
- Review the existing relationship between the client and its general contractor/subcontractor.
- Assess how the PDCA methodology is applied, i.e., solutions from the analysis of incidents are routed back into the system for compliance.
- Review the processes employed to analyse the root cause of incidents.
/ Health, Safety and Environment Compliance
- Identify breaches and deviations with local laws, regulations and existing contractual obligations with contractors and how these are dealt with.
- Assess whether sufficient resources are allocated to implement the Health, Safety and Environment Program.
- Assess the safety climate and culture and if all contractors take safety on-site seriously.
/ Intervention Strategies
- Review existing operational controls and how these are updated based on safety performance on the ground.
- Assess the effectiveness of the safety education process.
- Assess the quality and competence of the contractor’s internal safety processes.
/ Auditing Reference
The following standards will be used to benchmark efforts undertaken at the point of audit:
- Local workplace safety, health and environmental legislations and their relevant subsidiary legislations.
- Codes of practice and safety standards.
- ISO 45001:2018 Management System Standard.
- Contractual HSE agreements between the client, the main contractor and sub-contractors.
/ Methodology Of Assessment
The following methodology will be used to carry out this Health Check:
- Analysis of health, safety and environment-related documentation (document review).
- A review of the company’s health, safety and environment (HSE) management system.
- Workplace observation (workplace site inspection) – Observation of health, safety and environment implementation covering work areas.
- Interview of personnel at the management and working levels.
The standard Risk Rating Guidelines will be used to classify findings so as to help target key areas that require immediate attention and possibly retraining, change of methodology, review of process or even substitution of personnel.
Low Risk (L) | No imminent danger/threat to life and/or damage to property and equipment. |
Medium Risk (M) | Potential to cause serious injury/occupational disease and/or damage to equipment/property, with the potential to face legal action which requires corrective action without delay. |
High Risk (H) | Critical risk exists with the potential to cause catastrophic failure/fatality through injury and ill health, damage to property/equipment, which requires immediate action. |
Risk Level | Low | Medium | High | Total |
Numbers of Elements |
Key areas to be reviewed:
- Falling object (struck by falling object)
- Struck by/contact with moving machinery/equipment
- Collapse of machineries such as lifting machines, forklifts and piling machines
- Slips, trips and falls (site layout, housekeeping, stacking)
- Noise (intermittent noise) and dust
- Chemical hazards
- Fire and explosion hazards
- Vector control on-site
/ Systems & Processes for Accident Prevention
- Planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
- Structure and responsibility
- Operational control

/ Planning for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
The primary focus would be to assess the efficacy of the Risk Management System, focusing on how well the organisation had established, implemented and maintained a procedure(s) for the ongoing hazard identification, risk assessment, and determination of necessary controls. Key areas that will be the focus of the enhancements process will include, but are not limited to:
- Routine and non-routine activities
- Activities of all persons having access to the workplace (including contractors and visitors)
- Human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors
- identified hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health and safety of persons under the control of the organisation within the workplace
- Hazards created near the workplace by work-related activities under the control of the organisation
- Infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether provided by the organisation or others
- Changes or proposed changes in the organisation, its activities, or materials
- Modifications to the HSE management system, including temporary changes, and their impact on operations, processes, and activities
- Any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of necessary controls
- The design of work areas, processes, installations, machinery/equipment, operating procedures and work organisation, including their adaptation to human capabilities.
/ Structure and Responsibility
A critical component of the Safety Program, this is the framework that provides vision and direction, organisational structure, a system of oversight and compliance, a rigorous incident review framework, competent building programs and programs to build awareness and promote safety culture on the premises.
The review will determine the presence as well as the effectiveness of the following,
- HSE framework
- Organisational structure
- Competencies
- Awareness

/ Operational Control
Operational control ensures that policies and strategies are translated into implementable tools on the ground that will propagate and sustain the safety program. These may also include controls related to purchased goods, equipment and services, controls related to contractors and other visitors to the workplace, documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the OHS/HSE policy, and the objectives as well as stipulated operating criteria where their absence could, again, lead to deviations from the OHS/HSE policy and objectives.
Operational control is also the true lever to manage active failures. Aside from the risk assessment tools, ops control includes safe work procedures, permits to work, job safety analysis, toolbox talks, incident investigation and analysis and intervention strategies. Fusion Safety will assess how these are deployed on a daily basis, as well as applied, to fix safety situations that arise.
At the heart of ops controls, to analyse incidents and provide recommendations for incorporation back into the system, there must be a comprehensive Root Cause Analysis program. Fusion Safety will review the existence of such programs, the efficacy of their use, and the competency of safety personnel to employ such programs.

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