whs 2022 1 fusion safety management

Innovation and change explained by the experts in safety

The 2022 Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Conference was held in September where our Asia Hub Director, Shawal Mohamed, was able to attend.
We are so lucky that we can attend events in person after a long period apart due to the pandemic.
The event was attended by over 1,000 delegates from a range of industries to gain knowledge and insights into recent WHS developments such as strengthening employee safety, health and well-being while getting businesses back on track.

Shawal’s key takeaways from the conference were:

  1. A refreshing in-person reunion – it was a significant moment where safety leaders and professionals were meeting again face to face after 2 long years of only having access to virtual gatherings.
  2. Supporting Change – We were treated to great presentations from the top leaders of DHL and Speco, leaders that espouse the expectations of the new Approved Code of Practice on Chief Executives and Board of Directors.
  3. Innovation – Companies such as CYC, have improved confined space work through the innovative use of robots to ensure safety.

If you would like to know how we can help you by supporting change and innovation,  contact us at info@fusionsafetymgt.com or schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call.
Click here to view all of our blog posts and articles from events that Fusion has attended.

Get to know Shawal and the rest of the team at the Fusion Safety LinkedIn page.

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